Thursday, December 7, 2017

3 Reasons Homes Need Window Tint Even More in the Winter

There are two types of people in this world – those, who genuinely enjoy the heat and the other portion, who absolutely can’t stand the thought of scorching heat or bright sun. The first kind of people get their cars and windows at home tinted strictly for aesthetic purposes. The other kind, however, look for all possible ways to get some relief from harsh climatic conditions. It does not necessarily have to be summer. Conditions can get exasperating even during winters. This calls for an even greater reason for your windows to be tinted. Individuals who invest in tinted windows will not experience a loss. Modern day window tints are beneficial in many different ways.
Following given are the top three reasons why homes need window tint even more in the winter:

Reduces unpleasant climatic conditions

Installing residential window tint is of great help – be it during summers or winters. They are significant help at reducing heat. According to research, residential window tint can reduce heat up to sixty per cent. This makes a lot of difference during summer days. Summer doesn’t necessarily last all year. Individuals have to tolerate the scorching heat only fifty per cent of the times. What about the days where one wants to escape from the uncomfortable, quivering cold? Residential window tint are known to be good protections against the dangerous Ultra Violet rays. Once your skin absorbs ultra violet rays, it can lead to dangerous skin conditions. Sunburns and skin cancer are perhaps, among the most common skin-related conditions. These can get amplified through continued exposure to the sun rays in any kind of weather.

Reduce energy costs

Installing residential window tint is also known to reduce possible energy costs. This is turn is known to save a lot of money. The mechanism of conversing energy works in this manner: The heat falls on the surface of your window on the outside, following which, the heat travels through the glass and gets transported to the air on the inside. The air then fills the room and engulfs all the possible other objects in the room as well. This process has a technical name called Heat Conduction Process. In other words, not only do residential window tint prevent UV rays from penetrating inside the room but its critical design qualities also help converse energy by reducing glare and creating more brightness.

Maximum safety

Many might not be aware of this reason but residential window tints are known to prevent breakage. These type of windows are extremely strong and therefore, are known to provide maximum safety. Sharp shards of broken glass can lead to unforeseen accidents. This also leads to the expenditure of an exorbitant amount of money in terms of replacement. You can avoid all of these possibilities by simply installing residential window tints.
We, at Glamour Glaze, understand that you invest a lot of thought and money into decorating your home. Therefore, we provide only the best of the products. Look no further for quality home window tinting.

About the Author:
Nate Ridinger is the owner of GlamourGlaze Window Tinting in Utah. He offers homeowners and businesses with window film that can solve heating, glare, and fading concerns.

Glamour Glaze Window Tinting
6022 S 1900 W
Roy, UT 84067

Monday, November 6, 2017

3 Ways Window Film Can Lower Your Home Energy Bill

While all humans need an optimum amount of sunlight every day (as a source of Vitamin D), overexposure to sun rays is quite harmful to human health. Sunrays also contain UV or Ultra Violet rays that can cause skin cancers. Apart from human health, sun rays can damage many of your electronic gadgets including computer monitors and television screens. Frequent sunlight contact fades the furnishings and elevates the temperature of the room thereby increasing the workload of the air conditioning or HVAC units.

Because all components of sunlight are not harmful, the awnings, blinds, and shades are not the worthy draping of your doors and windows. You would not want to lessen the quality of the sunlight, but would definitely like that the sunlight that reaches to you and your home interiors does not have the excess and harmful rays including the UV rays. Hence the window films are today more preferred. Window films come in different strengths and have different configurations towards filtering sunlight. Here are 3 ways the window film lower your energy bill.

Filtering the UV rays

The window films do not allow the UV rays to enter your home (97% or more are filtered out). They hence save your health from the drastic and adverse effects of the rays. As UV rays also contribute towards increasing inner heat of the home, the films help in keeping the home interiors at an optimum level so that the air conditioning unit does not have to work more unnecessarily.

Controlling visible light

Unnecessary visible light inflow within your home interiors also increases the temperature of the home interiors. The new window films reduce the heat of the interiors by up to 60% by the use of nanotechnology. Excess visible light increases the heat and also adversely impacts the electronic gadgets and the home furnishings.

Night Vision

The window films are equipped with a unique reflective technology. They can hence provide better privacy during the daytime and can also provide for easy and better viewing of the home exteriors at the night. Better visibility of the exteriors helps in saving of costs that are incurred due to the artificial lightening of the doorways and other home exteriors.

Other advantages of window tints

Apart from saving on energy bills, window films also have several other benefits. They do not allow the early fading of carpets, window treatments, furniture and other furnishings of home. Sunlight is a known cause that fades around 70% of home furnishings, and the window films protect them all through their nanotechnology built and filtering configuration. The films also reduce sun glare and help the window screens and computer monitors last longer, so that you get the most value for the money you spent.
We at Glamour Glaze are the certified and authorized provider of the 3M window films that are known to offer best energy efficiency, quality, and privacy. Quite popular in Utah and the Salt Lake City,  we take pride in serving our customers the best way. Call us now for a free consultation!

About the Author:
Nate Ridinger is the owner of GlamourGlaze Window Tinting in Utah. He offers homeowners and businesses with a window film that can solve heating, glare, and fading concerns.

Glamour Glaze Window Tinting
6022 S 1900 W
Roy, UT 84067

Thursday, October 5, 2017

3 Reasons Every Business Should Tint Their Windows

Do you know the benefits window tinting can offer to your business? A good investment requires protection from the dangers of nature. Below are reasons why tinting your windows is important:

For sun protection

Why is it important to have protection against the sun? Sun rays have a lot of harmful effects. After we apply a clear commercial window film to your window glass, the amount of glare and heat getting into your business offices and working areas is toned down. This greatly reduces eye strain, squinting, headaches and it increases the comfort levels. Workers become more productive and efficient as their vision isn’t interfered with hence customers receive great services prompting them to come back to your business in the future. Tint will also protect workers and customers from harmful UV rays that can potentially cause health risks to the skin and eyes such as skin cancer and eye damage. Tint acts as a sunscreen. It also protects furniture, paintings, furnishes and work equipment from direct sunlight that may cause fading and damage.

For added privacy and safety

Who doesn’t love privacy and safety? For added privacy, tinting can apply a film on your window glass that prevents those from outside from looking in. The tint, however, allows you to clearly view outside. You will be free to do whatever you want in your offices without worrying about those outside. Most importantly, your valuables will be protected from being seen by outside who may be burglars. This offers you protection against easily planned break-ins. Windows are mostly very fragile and offer weak points. The films make it harder for the windows to break. In case they break, the film holds the glass together preventing it from shattering and injuring workers and customers. We also offer special safety specific commercial window film that are thicker. These films protect your windows from breaking easily.

For energy and cost efficiency

Tint helps in balancing temperatures. By limiting glare and heat of the sun entering and heating the offices and work areas, air conditioning isn’t required frequently. This reduces the utility cooling costs thus saving on the energy bill. Tinting your windows also save you the frequent hustle of revamping your business look. The tint preserves window glasses hence replacement isn’t needed frequently. The furniture and machines are also preserved hence the need to replace them is reduced immensely. You will only be required to occasionally replace the window films which are cheaper and more economical to change as compared to furniture, furnishes, machines, and decorations.

Protect your business from the sun and intrusion of privacy. We at Glamour Glaze window Tinting provide a wide range of window tinting products. Are you in a dilemma over getting your business windows tinted? Glamour Glaze Window Tinting will get your specific needs served and catered for professionally. Our ultimate goal is to serve our clients. Contact us today and get your business windows tinted.

About the Author:
Nate Ridinger is the owner of GlamourGlaze Window Tinting in Utah. He offers homeowners and businesses with window film that can solve heating, glare, and fading concerns.

Glamour Glaze Window Tinting
6022 S 1900 W
Roy, UT 84067

Thursday, September 14, 2017

3 Things Window Film Can Protect Your Business From

As a business owner, you are surely aware that of the many benefits and drawbacks your building provides. However, you might not be aware that there are a number of easy ways that can help you to improve the quality of your work environment, potentially boost productivity and improve your bottom line. Having commercial window film installed is one of these ways. Window film can actually provide a number of major advantages to your business by helping to protect you from all of the following things.

Damaging UV Rays

One of the biggest advantages of installing commercial window film is that it protects against the damaging effects of UV rays. Window film is designed to block out UV rays while still letting light through. In this way, you can protect your floors, walls and furnishings from fading, discoloration or otherwise being damaged by UV rays. By blocking out the UV rays, you can also help to protect your employee’s skin and eyes from the harmful effects.

UV rays will damage and fade most fabrics, furnishings and other materials. However, by installing window film, you can ensure that these harmful rays are almost completely blocked out and thus increase the life of your furnishings.

Heat and Glare

Windows are undoubtedly one of the most important parts of a building, but the problem is that the light they let in can create a range of different issues. Untreated windows not only let in light from the sun, but also heat. By using window film, you can help to shield against this type of heat gain to ensure that your office remains cooler during the hot summer months. In addition, window film also helps to filter the light, which makes a dramatic difference in reducing glare. As a result, your employees will be able to more easily work on their computers without having to strain their eyes and struggle due to the glare.

High Utility Bills

A building’s windows are generally one of the biggest sources of heat loss and heat gain. During the summer, all the light being let in through the windows can drastically raise the temperature of the building due to heat gain. Similarly, windows are also a huge source of heat loss during the colder winter months. In both cases, the result is that the heat loss or heat gain leads to higher utility bills. Heat gain forces your air conditioner to run more often in the summer, and heat loss results in the heater having to run more often to keep the building warm during the winter.

Installing commercial window film can eliminate both of these issues by helping to filter out the light. With window film, you should experience less heat gain during the summer and also be better protected against heat loss during the winter. As a result, window film may be able to help you dramatically reduce your utility bills by eliminating this major source of heat loss and gain.

As you can see, window film can actually provide a number of important advantages to your business. Of course, the only way to truly understand all of the benefits it can provide is to try it yourself. Therefore, if you are considering having window film installed, why not contact Glamour Glaze to see just how much of a difference our window film can make.

About the Author:
Nate Ridinger is the owner of GlamourGlaze Window Tinting in Utah. He offers homeowners and businesses with window film that can solve heating, glare, and fading concerns.

Glamour Glaze Window Tinting
6022 S 1900 W
Roy, UT 84067

Thursday, August 10, 2017

3 Reasons to Tint Your Home Windows in Summer

While the sun provides ample light and heat that can make summertime activities more fun, it can also cause lots of damage to the items inside a home. The harmful UV rays that the sun emits can pass through glass and cause furniture to become faded, and in extreme cases, it can cause wood to dry rot and leave furniture unusable. Fortunately, residential window film can help by eliminating the presence of harmful UV rays inside a home.

Reduced Interior Temperature

As the heat shines in through a home's windows, it will cause the temperature inside the home to increase drastically, which can cause an HVAC system to have to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature. Rather than dealing with the heat and high electricity bills, many homeowners choose to cover their windows with tinting, which helps block the rays of the sun and keep a home's interior temperature more comfortable. Many homeowners find the reduction in electrical costs covers the expense of installing a tinting product, as air conditioner units will not have to work as hard to keep a home comfortable during the most brutal summer conditions.

Unobstructed View

While blinds and drapes can be effective at keeping out the heat of the sun, they also obstruct natural light and cause a space to seem dark and uninviting. Residential window film combats this issue by eliminating the effects of the sun while still providing a bright and uninstructed view of the outside. Also, many window coverings can be damaged by the sun, which will cause them to need replacement on a regular basis to keep them visually appealing and functioning as intended. Don't put up with intense summer heat any longer, when a quality window tinting product can keep a home cool while allowing a continuous stream of natural light.

Easy Cleaning

One of the most labor intensive parts of cleaning windows is removing and cleaning the various window coverings that are used throughout a home. Many drapes need to be professionally cleaned, which can be expensive, and removal and installation of window coverings can be extremely time-consuming. Avoid these issues by installing residential window film, as it can be cleaned with a neutral detergent, and does not require removal. This can make keeping a home safe and free from excess heat and sun exposure simple, and make cleaning windows an easy and quick chore.

Homeowners no longer have to deal with the intense heat of the sun. At Glamour Glaze Window Tinting we utilize high-quality tinting products that help to stave off the heat of the sun and reduce the threat of damage caused by harmful UV rays. Contact us today to learn more about the innovative tinting products we offer, and see how easy and affordable keeping a home comfortable and safe can be. One call can reduce utility expenses and prevent damage to furniture caused by the sun.

About the Author:
Nate Ridinger is the owner of GlamourGlaze Window Tinting in Utah. He offers homeowners and businesses with window film that can solve heating, glare, and fading concerns.

Glamour Glaze Window Tinting
6022 S 1900 W
Roy, UT 84067

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

3 Money-Saving Benefits to Tinting Your Home Windows

Excess light and heat is something that affects many households in the world today thus calling for the need to do window tinting. We as Glamour Glaze pride ourselves in providing quality tint services for commercial and residential buildings within Utah. Window tinting thus has a number of benefits that are outlined below.

Protects Furniture, Wall Paint and Carpets From Fading

As the sun shines, it emits ultraviolet rays which in their excess amounts, prove to be harmful to the human skin. Also, the ultraviolet rays have also been known to cause a bleaching effect, especially to exposed surfaces. During the day and especially in summer, commercial and residential buildings in the State of Utah suffer from prolonged exposure to the sun’s rays. Since the sun’s rays have a high penetrating power, they can reach the internal environment of a building through the windows.
As exposure of these spaces to the sun continues on a daily basis, artificial materials present in the room at that particular time start losing their aesthetic appeal. Color loss is due to the bleaching effect brought about by the sun’s ultra-violet rays. To prevent property damage from ever occurring, we as Glamour Glaze have refined our art of installing quality window tints at fairly competitive prices. Our window tints block about ninety-nine percent of the sun’s rays but never do they hinder window visibility.

Efficient Way Of Curbing High Energy Costs

High solar insolation especially during the summer causes many homes in Utah experience increased internal temperatures. When this happens, buildings and houses within this state become uninhabitable during the day. Thus, a lot of people choose to turn on their air conditioning systems which in turn consume a lot of electric energy. Also, they have to keep on taking refrigerated drinks as a way of helping cool down their body temperatures. The constant opening and closing of refrigerator doors have been known to cause an increase in power use.
In order to reduce on electricity bills, we install window tints for various clients around Utah at their own discretion. During the summer, out tints are able to prevent more than seventy eight percent of heat coming from the sun from ever reaching your living room. At the same time, these tints help retain indoor heat during winter. Thus, our window tints are the best in the market today.

Encourage Home Privacy

People always like to carry on with their personal affairs behind closed doors. However, most windows manufactured today offer a clear view both from inside and outside. As a result, passersby can see you from outside.
We as Glamour Glaze are window tinting experts. Our tints work in such a way that they allow home residents to have a clear view of the outside environment, but at the same time barre outsiders from having a glimpse of your establishment.

Thus, we as Glamour Glaze are the best suited to provide you with window tinting solutions. We are always open from Monday to Friday during normal working hours. For immediate assistance, you can always reach our customer care desk by way of email or through a phone call.

About the Author:
Nate Ridinger is the owner of GlamourGlaze Window Tinting in Utah. He offers homeowners and businesses with window film that can solve heating, glare, and fading concerns.

Glamour Glaze Window Tinting
6022 S 1900 W
Roy, UT 84067

Monday, July 17, 2017

3 Unique Places to Use Decorative Window Film in Your Home

Decorating your home can be one of the easiest ways to create a style that matches your personality in the place where you live. Decorative window film is a great way to decorate your home while adding privacy to your personal areas. At Glamour Glaze, we use the technologies that professionals have been using for decades to bring privacy to homes and businesses all around the world. Here are three unique places you can use decorative window film in your home.

Windows by the front door

The front door of your home is the portal to the outside world. Solicitors and other visitors will always see this part of your home first. If you have valuable antiques or priceless family possessions in plain view from the windows close to your front door, you need to make sure you are blocking visual access to these items. Our window film on windows by the front door will deter any burglars from breaking into your home due to the items they see at first glance. This can be a great way to feel safe about your home being less of a target for burglary.

Glass shower doors

When you have a full house, there are times where you need to share the bathroom. Sometimes, having a glass shower door means that you can not shower unless everyone else is out of the bathroom. However, with our window film, you can create a barrier on your glass shower doors that no one will be able to see through. This will make it easier for your family members to use the bathroom while you are showing while still maintaining your privacy. Along with the privacy, you will be gaining, you will also get a sleek new design element added to your bathroom. Many homeowners who have had modern bathroom remodels have opted for window film even if they are not seeking the added privacy.

The bottom half of windows on first story homes for privacy

When you live in a busy area, privacy is a must. This is very true when you are living in a first story home in a bigger complex or housing community. Our window film can be installed on the bottom half of windows in your first story home to give you the added privacy that you need. If blinds or shutters aren't the right design element for your home, you can use decorative window film to give you the privacy you need and that modern look you are searching for

If you are constantly looking for more privacy in your home, we can help you solve this dilemma. We will be willing to work with you to find the right solution for your privacy needs. If you are looking for a more sleek and modern look for your home, our window film can help you make your home look just the way you want. Contact us today to find out which of our services will be right for your home.

About the Author:
Nate Ridinger is the owner of GlamourGlaze Window Tinting in Utah. He offers homeowners and businesses with a window film that can solve heating, glare, and fading concerns.

Glamour Glaze Window Tinting
6022 S 1900 W
Roy, UT 84067

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

3 Types of Window Film for Your Home

Glass windows first became common for the standard home when they were introduced in English homes in the early 17th century. The benefit of sunlight light, outdoor viewing, and security that glass windows provided changed the design of houses and commercial buildings forever.

As with any new innovation, the glass windows did have their shortcomings. Sun glare, security and privacy issues are three of the most prevalent concerns. All of these issues can be controlled and limited by the application of window film. Here are three of the most common categories of commercial and residential window film: sun glare, security, and privacy.

Sun Glare

When sunlight hits the glass, it causes refraction and light displacement that causes problems within the home of office. Television shows become unwatchable because of the optical glare reflecting off the screens.

The usual remedy to fight window glare has been closing blinds and drapes top shut out the sun. But that destroys the very purpose of the glass openings. Windows are meant to give us a view of the outside and let in healthy and cheerful sunlight. Applying solar control tinting film is and efficient was to greatly reduce glare while still providing the outdoor viewing you desire. Some of the products can filter out 99 percent of the sunlight’s damaging ultraviolet rays, not only be reducing glare by also helping to protect furniture, rugs and other items from fading and drying out.

Window Tinting for Security Protection

Glass windows and doors make enticing targets for criminals. By applying security window film on these potential openings, it’s possible to repel thieves intent on using smash-and-grab techniques from penetrating the glass.

Security film makes the window glass shatter resistant. Criminals who smash front doors to businesses to gain access find it near impossible to break through the film-enhanced glass and will usually flee rather than continue their assault. Even if the glass shatters, the film will hold the glass shards in place to prevent them from flying around and causing injuries and damage.

Window Film for Privacy

Like one-way mirrors, privacy film is coated so that people inside a premise can see out clearly but outsiders cannot see in. This type of film has a frosted or reflective surface that comes in various shades of darkness.

One word of caution: many brands of privacy film do not work at night when interior lights are being used and outsider can see in clearly. There are special window films types that do provide privacy day and night. Be sure to request this film if this is an issue.

Contact Glamour Glaze for Commercial and Residential Window Film Tinting

Glamour Glaze has been proudly serving the Wasatch Front area for over 25 years in handling both residential and commercial window tinting installations. Being the area’s only authorized 3M dealers allows us to use the full range of 3M window tinting products

Each residential job comes with a limited lifetime warranty. Commercial jobs are backed by a 15-year commercial warranty. Please give us a call at 801-876-1680 if you have any questions or would like to talk to a window specialist about arranging a visit for a free consultation and cost estimate.

About the Author:
Nate Ridinger is the owner of GlamourGlaze Window Tinting in Utah. He offers homeowners and businesses with a window film that can solve heating, glare, and fading concerns.

Glamour Glaze Window Tinting
6022 S 1900 W
Roy, UT 84067

Thursday, May 11, 2017

3 Things to Know About Daylight Redirecting Window Film

3 Things to Know About Daylight Redirecting Window Film

At Glamour Glaze Window Tinting, we're seeing more and more home and business owners seeking to improve their building's energy efficiency. When this is the case, we overwhelmingly recommend daylight redirecting window film. The reason? It's by far one of the quickest, most effective ways to make the most out of natural daylight, as you'll now see.

Most Efficient Way to Improve Natural Lighting

Daylight redirecting window film has a special micro-prism structure, which allows it to redirect more than 80 percent of daylight upwards. Typically placed over the upper portion of the window, the film redirects and diffuses the daylight upwards and outwards. This allows the daylight to penetrate much deeper into a building, thus reducing the need to use artificial light whenever the sun is shining.

The film is so effective at redirecting the light that it can allow it to extend 40 or more feet into a room. In turn, this has been shown to allow homes and businesses to reduce their daytime lighting costs by an average of over 50 percent.

Create a More Pleasant Environment and Improve Productivity

Numerous studies have been done over the years on the differences between natural and artificial light. Virtually all of these studies have shown that natural light is far better for a person's overall health and happiness. As well, workplaces that have abundant natural lighting typically have lower absentee rates and increased levels of productivity, while it has to be shown to help improve test scores, increase retail sales and even speed up the rate of patient recovery. By improving the amount of natural light in your home or office, you can ensure you take better advantage of these benefits.

Block Out Harmful UV Rays

The sun's ultraviolet rays can be incredibly damaging. Most everyone knows that these UV rays can cause serious harm to a person's eyes and skin, potentially leading to melanoma and other skin cancers. However, many people are not aware that UV rays also quickly cause carpets, furniture, and other décor items to fade and lose their color.

Daylight redirecting film helps to block out up to 99 percent of UV light. This means that it can also help prevent your expensive floors and furnishings from being damaged by this light. Of course, you could also use sunlight-blocking curtains or other window treatments to achieve this same effect. The problem is that this will also block out the daylight as well, meaning you won't be getting all of the aforementioned benefits daylight provides. However, by allowing infrared light in and keeping harmful UV rays out, daylight redirecting window film ensures that you can enjoy all of the benefits of natural sunlight without any of the drawbacks.

Boosting employee productivity, improving energy efficiency and maximizing natural lighting—all of these items typically take quite a bit of time and effort. However, at Glamour Glaze Window Tinting, we can help you achieve all three in less than a day simply by putting a bit of film over your windows.

About the Author:
Nate Ridinger is the owner of GlamourGlaze Window Tinting in Utah. He offers homeowners and businesses with a window film that can solve heating, glare, and fading concerns.

Glamour Glaze Window Tinting
6022 S 1900 W
Roy, UT 84067

Thursday, April 13, 2017

3 Benefits of Commercial Window Films

The summer season comes with an array of outdoor festivals, cookouts, swimming and relaxing from school and for some, work. While the sun comes with fun outdoor activities, it also brings harmful UV rays and sometimes, the temperatures are too high to go out. Have you ever wondered how you can deal with hot summer days at home, in your business or school? On the other hand, how can you enhance privacy at home or in your restaurant? Well, here are some benefits of using window films to deal with those hot summer days:

1) Protection

Ultra Violet (UV) rays are harmful and have been shown to cause skin cancer. One way to deal with this is by using window films in your home or office. You can ensure your family is protected from harmful UV rays by using Window films that block up to 99% of harmful UV rays. Fabrics and furniture fade quicker when hit by UV rays. To mitigate this, the use of window films is essential. In hospitals, both patients and medical machines are protected in the event of window breakage because window films hold broken glass together. In addition, in medical research, window films are used in cases where light sensitive research is being undertaken.

2) Security and Privacy

One of the major human needs is that of security everywhere they go including, schools, hospitals, offices, restaurants, and supermarkets. Commercial window films enhance security by ensuring children in school are protected from intruders are unable to see the inside of a classroom. The case can also be said about privacy at home. Restaurants also enhance their customer experience using window films as it reduces solar glare and heat gain.

3) Saves on energy and costs

There is a growing need for saving energy in view of the climatic changes around the globe. One of the ways to contribute to this global cause is by using commercial window films. This is evident in homes that use less energy to cool the rooms when it is hot. Offices with less solar glare enjoy higher productivity and fewer energy costs as employees are comfortable even when it is extremely hot. Those attending summer school benefit from this as less energy is used in keeping the classroom cool for students. To rehabilitate old buildings is more cost effective with the use of window films rather than the use of fans.

These benefits naturally call for action. For this, Glamoor Glaze. a company dealing with commercial and residential window films are at your service at all times. More specifically, they deal with window tinting for condominiums and townhouses, sun control window tinting, decorative window tinting and daylight redirecting window tinting. They are the first 3M distributor in Utah, USA. 3M is a daylight redirecting film that directs sunlight across the ceiling of a house instead of the floor. This saves energy costs for households and businesses. With their capable team of professionals, they can help you live a healthy, cost effective and happier life if only you can make an effort to contact them.

About the Author:
Nate Ridinger is the owner of GlamourGlaze Window Tinting in Utah. He offers homeowners and businesses with a window film that can solve heating, glare, and fading concerns.

Glamour Glaze Window Tinting
6022 S 1900 W
Roy, UT 84067

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

3 Benefits of Tinting Your Home Windows

Are you interested in improving your Utah home’s curb appeal through professional window tinting? While window tinting is a wonderful way to enhance the exterior look of your home, it also provides you with a wide range of other benefits that you can enjoy on a regular basis. With a closer look at what professional window tinting offers, you may be ready to set up service through our team at Glamour Glaze Window Tinting.

Improve Energy Efficiency in the Home

If you are like many homeowners in Utah, you may understandably be concerned about the high cost of your home’s energy bills. Utah has an intense climate with high temperatures in the summer and frigid temperatures in the winter. Heating and cooling your home is one of the primary factors that drives residential energy bills. While you may be reliant on your HVAC system to maintain a comfortable climate in your home, you certainly do not want to run your system more than necessary. Window tinting can drastically reduce the amount of heat that enters the home in the summer, and some types of tint has thermal properties that keep your home warmer in the winter months. With window tinting on your home’s windows, you may expect to see your energy bills decline dramatically.

Enhance Privacy Without Blocking Your View

Many homeowners are also concerned about privacy in their home. While you may want to keep your blinds and drapes open to allow natural sunlight into your space and to enjoy visibility outside the home, you do not want others to peer into your home. Whether you are concerned about nosy neighbors or random passersby, you can easily overcome this challenge through window tinting. Tinting can make it difficult or impossible for others to view inside your home, but you can still enjoy an unblocked view to the outside world.

Reduce the Glare and Intensity of the Sun’s Rays

Tinting is also a great way to block the glare of the sun’s rays. UV rays can damage furnishings, upholstery, drapes and more, and it can be costly to repair or replace these items. UV rays can also cause premature aging, skin cancer and more in you and your loved ones. In addition, the glare from the sun can be intense, and it can make it difficult to see the TV and enjoy other activities in the home. Some window tints have UV-blocking capabilities. They reduce the glare and keep the harmful effects of UV rays at bay.
While your primary goal of adding window tint to your home may be to improve curb appeal, you can see that there are many other benefits you can enjoy as well. Glamour Glaze Window Tinting is the company to call for window tinting throughout Utah. We provide fast, friendly and affordable service, and we also carry the reputable, high-quality 3M tinting solutions. To learn more about our services or to request a quote for your home, call Glamour Glaze Window Tinting today.

About the Author:
Nate Ridinger is the owner of Glamour Glaze Window Tinting in Utah. He offers homeowners and businesses with window film that can solve heating, glare, and fading concerns.

Glamour Glaze Window Tinting
6022 S 1900 W
Roy, UT 84067

Are you interested in improving your Utah home’s curb appeal through professional window tinting? While window tinting is a wonderful way to enhance the exterior look of your home, it also provides you with a wide range of other benefits that you can enjoy on a regular basis. With a closer look at what professional window tinting offers, you may be ready to set up service through our team at Glamour Glaze Window Tinting.

Improve Energy Efficiency in the Home

If you are like many homeowners in Utah, you may understandably be concerned about the high cost of your home’s energy bills. Utah has an intense climate with high temperatures in the summer and frigid temperatures in the winter. Heating and cooling your home is one of the primary factors that drives residential energy bills. While you may be reliant on your HVAC system to maintain a comfortable climate in your home, you certainly do not want to run your system more than necessary. Window tinting can drastically reduce the amount of heat that enters the home in the summer, and some types of tint has thermal properties that keep your home warmer in the winter months. With window tinting on your home’s windows, you may expect to see your energy bills decline dramatically.

Enhance Privacy Without Blocking Your View

Many homeowners are also concerned about privacy in their home. While you may want to keep your blinds and drapes open to allow natural sunlight into your space and to enjoy visibility outside the home, you do not want others to peer into your home. Whether you are concerned about nosy neighbors or random passersby, you can easily overcome this challenge through window tinting. Tinting can make it difficult or impossible for others to view inside your home, but you can still enjoy an unblocked view to the outside world.

Reduce the Glare and Intensity of the Sun’s Rays

Tinting is also a great way to block the glare of the sun’s rays. UV rays can damage furnishings, upholstery, drapes and more, and it can be costly to repair or replace these items. UV rays can also cause premature aging, skin cancer and more in you and your loved ones. In addition, the glare from the sun can be intense, and it can make it difficult to see the TV and enjoy other activities in the home. Some window tints have UV-blocking capabilities. They reduce the glare and keep the harmful effects of UV rays at bay.

While your primary goal of adding window tint to your home may be to improve curb appeal, you can see that there are many other benefits you can enjoy as well. Glamour Glaze Window Tinting is the company to call for window tinting throughout Utah. We provide fast, friendly and affordable service, and we also carry the reputable, high-quality 3M tinting solutions. To learn more about our services or to request a quote for your home, call Glamour Glaze Window Tinting today.

About the Author:
Nate Ridinger is the owner of Glamour Glaze Window Tinting in Utah. He offers homeowners and businesses with window film that can solve heating, glare, and fading concerns.

Glamour Glaze Window Tinting
6022 S 1900 W
Roy, UT 84067

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

3 Ways Businesses Win with Decorative Window Film


Why do business owners favor decorative window films? These films are not only more attractive than the standard alternatives, but they also have other unique benefits.

Capture Attention of People

Window shopping is a treasured tradition for many people, especially during holidays. And since nothing can attract attention to a window quite like a decorative window film, businesses use them to promote window shopping. Decorative window films have a special appeal given these amazing possibilities. Think about the effect of an entire window that is well covered in a bold, striking glass film in a Christmas-themed film. This one alone is enough to win the heart of shoppers.

Win New Customers

As the world advances, business owners need to learn new tactics of winning the hearts of customers. There are many different types of customers that businesses should reach using a variety of marketing strategies. All these groups of customers are looking for a message that speaks to them in a personal way. Marketers who used the old marketing strategies successfully in the past and are still working hard to experience the same today have a problem. Despite that the world has grown and is more diverse today than it has ever been, they cannot believe something as simple as decorative window film on a business storefront can provide a message that speaks to customers personally and win them.
But consider the feeling of sociability and warmth that a Hanukkah film could convey. If you are interested in winning new demographics, it is that simple. Using decorative window films can be surprisingly effective. Do you want to spur seasoning shopping? Use a themed, accustomed window film to remind passersby that it is that time of the year to start thinking about their holiday shopping list, and you will see amazing results.

Lower Energy Costs

Decorative window film can help you to save a lot of money. This film ensures weather proof window is able to keep hot air out in the summer and cold air out in the winter. If you use them during the summer months, a tinted film can a reduce air conditioning costs by blocking the rays of the sun. During winter, they can help absorb and radiate heat back into your business premises, instead of allowing it to escape through clear glass. The ultimate results of all these are reduced energy bills and lowered carbon footprint. With these two things, we are sure to you will feel happy because they mean well for your business.
We, at Glamour Glaze Window Tinting, can help your business to get an upscale look and prevent all these problems at an affordable price. Glamour Glaze Window Tinting is your Utah window tinting expert. We have over 30-years experience in this field and stock an assortment of decorative window films in a wide spectrum of styles and colors, so you are able to find a quality window film that perfectly meets your needs. For more detailed information, questions, or to get a free quote, give us a call. One of our specially-trained customer care representatives is on standby and will be glad to assist you.

About the Author:

Nate Ridinger is the owner of GlamourGlaze Window Tinting in Utah. He offers homeowners and businesses with window film that can solve heating, glare, and fading concerns.

Glamour Glaze Window Tinting
6022 S 1900 W
Roy, UT 84067