Tuesday, December 11, 2018

3 Ways to Lower the Energy Bill in an Older Home

Older homes provide a classic architecture that gives the home character and makes them stand out. However, they aren’t very energy-efficient without having some upgrades over the years. Some of these changes can include switching light bulbs, installing a heat control window film, and adding insulation.

Switch to Energy Efficient Light Bulbs

This is one of the easiest ways to update the home and often the least expensive. This change can also be done regardless of the age of the home. If your home is still using standard light bulbs, switch to compact fluorescent lamps or halogen incandescent. These are both efficient options that can use between 25% and 80% less energy than traditional bulbs. A bonus is that they last longer than traditional bulbs as well, so even though they may be more expensive in the beginning, you will definitely save money. If you don’t want to switch out every light bulb, choose the five lights you use the most often to save.

Pay Attention to Windows

Windows can let out a lot of air, which can add pressure to the heating and cooling systems in order to maintain a more comfortable temperature. While you can replace your windows with more energy efficient ones, you can also add a heat control window film to lower the sun’s intensity in the home and become more energy efficient. The heat coming through a window can make the space too hot to enjoy and also raise energy bills, but with a film, you can still enjoy the area, all while keeping your home at a comfortable temperature. Not only does a window film help keep your home energy efficient, but it can also help reduce the painful glare and reduce harmful UV rays that come into your space.

Add Insulation to the Attic

Many older homes don’t have good insulation. In the winter, if you don’t have good insulation, the heat rises and will escape through the attic. This means the heater has to work harder and your power bill goes up in order to keep your home comfortable. Savings can depend on the insulation used and how much is added.

Enjoy your home and lower energy bills with just a few simple changes.

Author Statement:
Nate Ridinger is the owner of GlamourGlaze Window Tinting in Utah. He offers homeowners and businesses with a window film that can solve heating, glare, and fading concerns.

Glamour Glaze Window Tinting
6022 S 1900 W
Roy, UT 84067

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